Prostate HealthThe Prostate is a small gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and the urethra in men. It's major function is to contribute to seminal fluid. If the prostate enlarges, pressure may be put on the urethra acting like a clamp and causing a variety of urinary symptoms, over half of all 50-year-old men suffer with enlarged prostate or (BPH) benign prostatic hyperplasia.It's never too early to start looking after your prostate. There has been much media coverage of the effects (and consequences) of neglecting prostate health and it is vital that men of all ages take steps to safeguard their well-being. Our formulation contains double the previous strength, the 500mg of Saw Palmetto now gives 45% sterols and fatty acids. We also include 250mg of Pumpkin Seed.Saw Palmetto:Historical or traditional use:In the early
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