Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets - 3 Months (90 Capsules)


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myvitamins UK Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets - 3 Months (90 Capsules) £13.89 Buy Now

More information on Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets - 3 Months (90 Capsules)

What Are myvitamins Alpha Lipoic Acid Tablets? myvitamins Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), otherwise known as thiotic acid, is a naturally occurring, vitamin-like chemical that helps to maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels.1 It is an organic compound that is found in every cell in our body. It is rich in essential fatty acid, omega 3 and works alongside vitamin C and E.

Why Use An Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplement? Cholesterol is a fat that is transported in our blood. A small amount is important to the structure of our cells, but too high a level of cholesterol in the blood can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular problems.

As a natural, organic compound, our Alpha Lipoic Acid is a rich source of essential fatty acids to support healthy blood cholesterol levels.1 What Works Well With ALA? Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) works in the body with vitamin C and E. Try adding our detoxifying Feel ACE multivitamin, which contains these natural antioxidants.

References 1. ALA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels *when dosed at 2g or 4 tablet a day

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