Maqui Berry Powder


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myvitamins UK Maqui Berry Powder £11.19 Buy Now

More information on Maqui Berry Powder

What Is myvitamins Maqui Berry Powder? myvitamins Maqui Berry Powder is an organic fruit powder that is rich is essential vitamins and minerals.

It is a source of iron, which helps to support our energy levels 1 by facilitating the transport of oxygen around the body.2 It also contains copper, which helps to protect our immune system and fights the damage from free radicals.3 As a source of calcium, it also supports of bones and muscles.4 Why Use Maqui Berry? Grown wild in the rainforests of Chile and Argentina, the maqui berry was traditionally used by natives as a natural medicine. Today it is a superfood that has been made popular by its nutrient-rich content. Organically sourced and finely ground, our Maqui Berry Powder is perfect natural source of essential vitamins and minerals.

Organically sourced and finely ground, our Maqui Berry Powder is perfect natural source of essential vitamins and minerals.

What Works Well With Maqui Berry Powder? Maqui berry is a good source of natural fibre. Try adding a scoop of our Inulin Powder to our Maqui Berry Powder for an extra boost of soluble and insoluble fibre.

References 1. Iron contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and cognitive function 2. Iron contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body 3. Copper contributes to the normal function of the immune system and protection of cells from oxidative stress 4. Calcium is needed for the maintenance of normal bones and muscle function

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